
I specialise in 3 types of financial planning which are Education Planning, Retirement Planning, and Long-Term Investments.
Explore my services and embark on your financial journey today.

Education Planning

Education is the cornerstone of your child’s future. I work with you as a parent, plan for and secure that future rather than leaving it to chance.
Education Planning involves two aspects: Investments and Insurance.


This entails investing your money for the purpose of saving for educational expenses, from early development stage to tertiary education. I help you set up a tailored investment plan based on your lifestyle, circumstances, school preference for your child, time horizon and budget constraints, in order to serve the financial requirements of your child’s education.


While providing for and investing for your child’s education, unforeseen circumstancess associated with death, disability or critical illness could arise. Planning for these events means you secure and provide for your child’s future even when you are unable to, through education insurance.

Retirement Planning

Retirement is a journey, and the sooner you start planning for it, the better. As hard as you work now, you will have to retire at some point, and you want that point to be comfortable and filled with bliss.

I will work with you create a retirement plan that aligns with your lifestyle and financial goals, ensuring a secure and stress-free retirement.

My approach to retirement planning is comprehensive. Whether you are planning towards your retirement, are at retirement, post-retirement or navigating the complexities of transferring retirement funds, I am here for you.

Long-Term Investment for Capital Growth

If your financial ambitions involve growing your capital to create lasting wealth, then look no further.

I specialize in curating investment portfolios that carefully consider the following factors:



Risk tolerance

Time horizon

Whether you opt for consistent monthly contributions or a one-time lump sum investment (or both), you actually purchase units of these assets in order to gain exposure to their relative performance.


071 487 5168

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